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Presentational Girls Flag Football 2024 visual

Girls Flag Football 2024 - Fall 2024

Girls Flag Football is for 5th and 6th Grade Girls only.

Season will run from October 6th - November 3rd. Girls will play a Super Bowl game on November 3rd at Spartan Stadium. Regular season games will be played on Sunday afternoons or during the weekday to not conflict with other sports obligations (most likely at MBJH or MBE). Practices will be optional and at the discretion of the coaches.  Emphasis will be on throwing, catching, participation, game plans, and most importantly having a good time. 

Cost: $95

**Effective September 1, 1994**  Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered only to Mountain Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mountain Brook schools. 

Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Friday, August 30, 2024 - Monday, September 23, 2024
Program Duration:
Sunday, October 6, 2024 - Sunday, November 3, 2024
Regular Registration Cost:
Presentational Fall Flag Football - 2024 visual

Fall Flag Football - 2024 - Fall 2024

Fall Flag Football is for 2nd graders only.

Season will begin on September 9.  Games (most likely at Crestline) will be played during the week mainly on Mon.’s & Wed.’s with possible make-up games on the weekend.  Weekday game times are scheduled at 4:30 or later. Emphasis will be on participation, throwing, and catching.  

Cost: $115

**Effective September 1, 1994**  Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered only to Mountain Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mountain Brook schools. 

Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Program Duration:
Monday, September 9, 2024 - Thursday, October 24, 2024
Regular Registration Cost: