Fall 2024


Practices will begin in late Aug.  First games will likely begin in mid-Sept.  Games are scheduled to conclude around the end of Oct. 


K (6U) -- Coach pitch

1st - 3rd grades (8U) -- Coach pitch 

3rd - 5th grades (10U) -- Player pitch 

5th - 7th grades (12U) -- Player pitch 


The number of players registered will determine number of teams for each league. 


Each team will play five to seven games.  Games will be held primarily on Sun. afternoons with a one hour and fifteen minute time limit.  Games will be played at MBHS and possibly at other parks (Vestavia, etc...).


Practices will be held mainly during the week.  Practice days and times are TBA and may vary.  All practices will be held at the MBHS Athletic Complex.

Fall softball will be a recreational league with an emphasis placed on building skills.  No individual statistics or team standings will be kept.  Players will receive a jersey and a pair of socks to keep. 

The age cutoff is now Sept. 1st and is in effect for the fall and all of next year.

Softball will try and work with MBA volleyball so players in grades 4th-6th can do both sports if they wish. 

When registering, please be sure to fill out the question when asked if your player has any practice conflicts.  Once your child is placed on a team, we will not switch them.  

For questions, please contact Softball Commissioner Rachel Presley - mbarecsoftball@gmail.com   

Fee - $110 

**Effective September 1, 1994**  Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered only to Mountain Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mountain Brook Schools.

Spring 2025

1/25 - Evaluations (Grades 2nd - 6th) for new players & prospective 10U pitchers.  Evaluations will be held at the MBHS Athletic Complex from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM on Field #4. 

1/29-1/31 - Team selections will begin to take place. 

2/10 - Practices will begin this week. 

3/1-3/8 - Games may start for some leagues. 

3/21-3/30 - Off for Spring Break. 

5/5-5/11 - End of season tournaments tentatively scheduled. 

$20 late fee (per player) will be charged for those who register after Jan. 13th. 

All players, coaches, and parents are expected to show good sportsmanship at all times. Players are also expected to attend and fully participate in all practices and games.  

**Please register your child for their age that they were on Aug. 31, 2024. 

6U - K & some 1st

8U - 2nd & 3rd

10U - 4th & 5th 

13U - 5th - 7th 

**Once teams have been selected, players WILL NOT be moved to another team.  Please complete registration forms accordingly.**  

MBA softball teams will have 2-3 events (practices & games) per week. 


Please direct all questions to the Softball Commissioner:  Rachel Presley - mbarecsoftball@gmail.com  


**Effective September** 1, 1994 Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered to only Mtn. Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mtn. Brook schools.