**2024 Fall Softball Important Dates**  

Late Aug. - Practices will begin. 

Mid-Sept. - First games are scheduled. 

End of Oct. - Games are scheduled to conclude. 

Practices will be held mainly during the week.  Practice days and times are TBA and may vary.  All practices will be held at the MBHS Athletic Complex.     


**2025 Spring Softball Important Dates** 

Jan. 13 - Regular registration ends. 

Jan. 14 - Late registration begins ($20 late fee per player). 

Jan. 20 - Late registration ends.

Jan. 25 - Evaluations (2nd - 6th) for new players & prospective 10U pitchers. Evaluations will be held at the MBHS Athletic Complex from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM on Field #4.

Feb. 10 - Practices will begin the week of Feb. 10. 

Mar. 1 - First games may start for some leagues.  

Mar. 21-30 - Off for spring break. 

May 5 - May 11 - End of season tournaments tentatively scheduled.