Welcome to Mountain Brook Athletics

Mtn. Brook Athletics Weather Hotline - (205) 802-0899

Presentational Girls Flag Football 2024 visual

Girls Flag Football 2024 - Fall 2024

Girls Flag Football is for 5th and 6th Grade Girls only.

Season will run from October 6th - November 3rd. Girls will play a Super Bowl game on November 3rd at Spartan Stadium. Regular season games will be played on Sunday afternoons or during the weekday to not conflict with other sports obligations (most likely at MBJH or MBE). Practices will be optional and at the discretion of the coaches.  Emphasis will be on throwing, catching, participation, game plans, and most importantly having a good time. 

Cost: $95

**Effective September 1, 1994**  Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered only to Mountain Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mountain Brook schools. 

Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Friday, August 30, 2024 - Monday, September 23, 2024
Program Duration:
Sunday, October 6, 2024 - Sunday, November 3, 2024
Regular Registration Cost:
Presentational Basketball - 2024 visual

Basketball - 2024 - Winter 2024

Season will run from Nov. through the middle of Feb.  First practices will begin for elementary teams on or soon after Nov. 1.  First games for some teams may take place the week of Nov. 11.  Game T-shirt jerseys will be provided for all leagues.  Players will keep their jersey.  Players will need basketball shoes and shorts.

Player evaluations are only for those elementary age (3rd - 6th grade) players that did not play MBA last year and ALL 2nd grade boys and girls.  No evaluations for 1st graders.  Player evaluations to be held in the regular Crestline gym.  Please see evaluation info in the "Basketball - Important Dates/info" section by selecting "Basketball" under Programs.

Players will be notified as to team assignment by their coach.

League commissioners' info can be found in the "Basketball Commissioners" section by selecting "Basketball" under Programs.


Fee - $190

$20 late fee (per player) will be charged for those elementary age players who register for basketball after Oct. 7th.

**Effective September 1, 1994**  Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered only to Mountain Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mountain Brook schools.


Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Sunday, September 15, 2024 - Monday, October 7, 2024
Late Registration:
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Sunday, October 13, 2024
Program Duration:
Friday, November 1, 2024 - Friday, February 14, 2025
Regular Registration Cost:
Late Registration Cost:
Presentational Wrestling - 2024 visual

Wrestling - 2024 - Winter 2024

We are excited to announce Coach Ricky Korn ("Coach Ricky") and Elevate Wrestling Club will be leading this season's youth wrestling team.  Ricky has been part of the MB youth wrestling program for many years, and we're excited he and his team will be back for another year.

Regular practices will be held at the MBHS wrestling room on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 5:30-6:30 PM.  As the season progresses, other advanced training opportunities will be available.

The first practice will be on Tuesday October 29th.  If you are uncertain if your child will like wrestling, please bring them to practice before registering.  To accommodate, we will leave registration open through early November.  


Season Duration: November through early February

Coach:  Ricky Korn


Fee:  $200 per wrestler

Additional costs may include AYWO registration cards, tournament fees, singlets, shoes, and gear.


Wrestling contact:  Andy Wilson - awilson@reverecontrol.com or (205) 410-5106


 **Effective September 1, 1994** Programs sponsored by MBA will be offered only to Mtn. Brook residents whose children are eligible to attend Mtn. Brook schools.

Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - Friday, November 8, 2024
Program Duration:
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - Friday, February 14, 2025
Regular Registration Cost: